Saturday, January 26, 2013

Celebrities Wearing Stuff: Stephen Malkmus

This video has been around for a while, but Short Shorts hasn't, and it's good, so bear with me.

Yes, that is indie rock legend/guitar god Stephen Malkmus--member of Pavement, the Silver Jews, and the Jicks--wearing a Detroit Pistons cap.  And that's awesome.

It's neat to see someone as cool as Malkmus reppin' an NBA squad, but there is an unanswered question here: why is he wearing Pistons gear?  He's from Southern California originally, currently resides in Portland, Oregon, and admits to being a Wizards fan with a "crush on Caron Butler."  As far as I can tell, he has no association with the city of Detroit, so this hat doesn't make much sense.  I'm led to believe then, that the once-proud Pistons have become so bad that their current gear is already "vintage."  Malkmus is a very trendy and hip individual, so this theory kind of checks out.

Perhaps this was Detroit's marketing plan all along though--if they hit absolute rock bottom, they'll eventually be so untalked about that they become cool.  This realization would lead to hipsters all across the country--nay, the world!--buying and wearing Pistons merch and self-loathingly claiming to like the team, allowing Pistons management to tap into a whole new demographic.  Genius.

Or else I'm reading too far into this and Malkmus just liked the look.  Probably a more likely scenario.

Oh well, whatever the reason, it's still cool to see.  Good on you, Stephen.  And here's another video of him wearing that hat, showing it wasn't just a one time thing.  Enjoy.

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